What is a ROS hardware interface

This page provides non-exhaustive explanations about what is a ROS hardware interface, and how to create one.


The role of the hardware interface is to provide an interface between ROS controllers and any physical robot. It is part of the ROS control framework that makes sure a robot can be operated via controllers managed by ROS. Its role is better explained on this figure (extracted from the ros_control documentation)


How to create one

Before starting implementing anything, you might want to make sure you don’t already have one provided. For this, you can search for hardware_interface:RobotHW in all relevant packages. If you can find one, you should not need to start from scratch then!
If you don’t have any and you want to create one, please see this tutorial, or this one.


Having a hardware interface for your robot would allow you to integrate your own controllers inside the ROS control framework and then make MoveIt! run them

Compatibility with GRIP

If you already have a ROS hardware interface for your robot 9or part of your robot), you might need to slightly change it. Don’t worry, it should not take you too much time!
For GRIP to be able to read and properly communicate with your robot, the given hardware interface must have a parameter-less constructor and must have an init method with the following signature: init(ros::NodeHandle &n, ros::NodeHandle &robot_hw_nh). You can find example of working hardware interfaces for the Franka panda arm and Universal Robot arms (the latter is already included in GRIP).

Hardware connection file

Now that you have your hardware interface implemented, if you want GRIP to operate your real robot with MoveIt!, you will need to specify a hardware connection file. This YAML file must contain all the required parameters that enables the ROS control framework to operate your robot. These parameters are implementation-dependent.
These files must respect the following format:
  - <hw_interface_name1>
  # If you have two robot arms or two robot manipulators
  - <hw_interface_name2>

  type: <hw_interface_type>
  # Then comes all the hardware interface implementation-dependent parameters.

For instance, with this hardware interface implementation (for Universal Robot arms), the hardware connection file should look like this:

  - ur_robot_hw

  type: sr_ur_robot_hw/UrArmRobotHW
  # Usually it is the prefix you give to your robot in the URDF file
  robot_id: ""
  # Robot's IP address (change this to your robot's)
  # Your laptop/desktop's IP address (change this to yours)
  # Robot arm speed scale [0.0, 1.0] (works natively only with Universal Robots)
  speed_scale: 0.5
  # Extra end-effector weight (initial payload of the robot, e.g. gripper weight)
  payload_mass_kg: 0
  # Manipulator payload centre of inertia (estimated)
  payload_center_of_mass_m: [0, 0, 0]
  # Topic published when the controllers for the hardware must be loaded
  topic_to_wait_for: arm_ready
  # Path to the directory in which the robot programs are stored (only for Universal Robots).
  robot_program_path: /home/user/projects/shadow_robot/base_deps/src/sr_ur_arm/sr_ur_bringup/robot_programs/

If you are using this hardware interface for the Franka panda arm, this file should look like this:

  - franka_robot_hw

  type: franka_combinable_hw/FrankaCombinableHW

  # Usually it is the prefix you give to your robot in the URDF file
  robot_id: panda

  # Robot's IP address (change this to your robot's)

  # Joint names
    - panda_joint1
    - panda_joint2
    - panda_joint3
    - panda_joint4
    - panda_joint5
    - panda_joint6
    - panda_joint7